Mona Maine de Biran


I’m a fan of Manhattan Art, Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle! The best way to experience New York City that I've found is by word of mouth. Great ideas and inspiration often come from other people's thoughts and experiences.

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Founder TALKS: on Being Authentic with Dean Laskowski

Founder TALKS: on Being Authentic with Dean Laskowski

Be still my beating heart.

There are some people who just light up a room when they walk in. That describes Dean Laskowski, founder of a new, luxury e-commerce site called Celebrating individuality and freedom is Dean’s purpose. One I share and admire. So, I couldn’t wait to sit down to learn about Dean’s inspiration behind his slick, new website offering a new way for likeminded people to shop.

How did you come up with the idea for the website,

The website was a progression of ideas.  I wanted to be able to use my expertise, developed over the last two decades, working for myself.  And I wanted to be able to communicate a message while doing it.

I had built several websites that were successful before and  I also am able to leverage my relationships to secure important distribution from the start.  Because of my work setting up drop shipments from my suppliers when I worked for the Social Selling Agency, I knew I could get my product to be drop shipped.  It seemed a smart combination for a relatively safe bet.

When did you come to the message for the website?

I would say that my higher power had something to do with us. We knew we wanted to name that spoke to the customer. We wanted to name that would imply trust. We dabbled with quite a few names until finally we trademarked Just Authentic. We have the name and it fits my version of luxury perfectly.

What is your Version of Luxury?

In 2008, I met Claude Saujet, and he was instrumental in me being able to answer that question.  It wasn’t something that you buy it wasn’t tangible it was about feeling right or validated or valued. it was about value. This offered me the chance to choose brands that had a message or a purpose or spoke to you. It wasn't just about the price. If I was going to be inclusive of product, how could I not consider the same for my customers.

What do Expressions mean to Just Authentic?

I’m tired of sites divided by men's and women's categories. Commonsense tells us that there are some that are alienated from this type of shopping experience. For months I thought about how to present the site.  One afternoon my business partner and I were sitting in my office talking about the idea of masculinity and femininity.  We couldn’t recall a word that describes the two characteristics.  And then it hit me…They were expressions.

We all express ourselves differently. And it can change from day-to-day week to week month-of-month or never. But it's ours and we get to choose what it is and it's not associated with anything except our choices. This to me felt like freedom, Freedom from excluding someone and them being and feeling left out and alone.  Freedom from the nay sayers waiting for a mistake so they can say I told you so.  Now we can focus on the task hand. It would be great to live in a world where this was expected and not recognized as something special.

If you've enjoyed hearing from the founder of Just Authentic here on Manhattan Minds, don’t miss the next founder TALKS on Manhattan Minds! SIGN UP to the Manhattan Minds newsletter to get the next blog, invitations and discount offers delivered right to your inbox.

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Manhattan Minds is an inspired blog on New York City Art, Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle.

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Artist TALKS: on Visual Poems with Collage Artist Derek Gores

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