Mona Maine de Biran


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Zen in the City

Zen in the City

New York City is one of the most exciting cities in the world. It can also be one of the most stressful. Living and playing in the fast lane, New Yorkers are known for rolling hard. Which is why, considering this reputation, it comes as no surprise to find some of my fellow urbanites doing the same when it comes to meditation.

If you have lived in New York City long enough, then you can’t help but have noticed the emergence of an ever increasing plethora of Zen-focused activities.

More and more and MORE yoga studios, vegan restaurants, meditation rooms, clubs and classes stemming from primarily Asian/Buddhist philosophies are popping up on every street corner. So many that, it seems to me, it may be that we have hit a point of no return, achieved critical mass.

Yoga Studios, woke eateries and spiritual centers are now like New York delis— just about every other block in the city seems to have one.

Don’t get me wrong. It is much to my pleasure that I now note how, by comparison, things have improved. Not only do I no longer have to walk 15 blocks to find a studio but there is— yeet!— no shortage in the variety of methods to chose from when it comes to yoga practice. From Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram and Hatha to Jivamukti (which has its roots in NYC), the list of yoga variations is long and yoga methods continue to evolve. A great way to keep things interesting. Evolving also is the way in which people consume this divination— en mass, in public and internus. 

The latest type of yoga to hit the city is CBD yoga.

Certain studios, such as SannaOhanna, are taking the ancient Zen practice and pairing it with this other increasingly popular stress-reliever. Participants smooth CBD oil on their bodies or ingest it before starting the poses. Some say it helps with muscle inflammation. Others say it leads to a gentle calming, relaxing vibe - is there any surprise there? 

Tempting though it is, there are those who still prefer to take on the spiritual yoke without the side of hash.

For that, my favorite haunt is The Bhakti Center on New York City’s Lower East Side. The center focuses on self-transformation through Bhakti yoga— which has been my preference when it comes to yoga method. Bhakti yoga has been called "love for love's sake" and "union through love and devotion." Bhakti yoga, like any other form of yoga, seeks a path to self-realization, to having an experience of oneness with everything. Yes, #goals!

But, New York being New York, the future holds the promise of new adventures which puts Kundalini yoga in my immediate future (sorry Bhaki baby, I’ll still write). I’m thrilled at the opportunity to work with one of the happiest people you would likely ever meet, Zoe Bullock. She’s not only a teacher but a formally trained natural foods chef. Already, I admire Zoe’s passion for helping people to improve their lives through sustainable, positive, and happiness promoting practices. #goals again!

But, even if you’re not into yoga, you can enjoy what these centers have to offer.

The Bhakti Center, for example, also serves as a gathering place for many spiritual discussions, mantra-themed music events and educational courses on subjects such as cleansing-diets. After a night out in the Village, who among us couldn’t use a little cleanse in the morn?

Another spiritual center – M N D F L – has a very modern approach. With a cool location on East 8th Street, it has rooms in Manhattan and Brooklyn offering 150 classes per week that can be booked online and last as little as 30 minutes. It seems they’ve cracked the code on offering mindful meditation while maximizing people’s time. Taking this business seriously, is there time to waste when it comes to chilling out?

Will the next trend be speed mediating? The promise that you, too, can find your bliss in less than 15 minutes!

Why bother in that event? Or so a traditionalist might ask. Those who enjoy taking it slow, connecting with that sweet spot in time where it… just…. simply… stands… still…. is beautiful. In any event, I recommend a visit the Shambhala Meditation Center which was founded in 1971. It is one of the oldest meditation centers in New York City and will give you an introduction to the full experience. Good as a baseline, if not a perpetual practice, from which to measure all the other modern interpretations which you may decide to favor.

Whether you’re just learning to meditate or you’ve been practicing for years, audio guided meditation sessions are a cool thing.

Stuck on the Downtown 6 Train? It’s out of your control so just pop in those air pods. Wherever you are, whenever you need, audio guided sessions create a space for peace and consistency in your meditation practice. As hard as it is to find the time for one’s self, it can be even harder to get your guru gang’s calendar together for a group meditation. But, with the app, you’ll never miss a session.

Skeptical of the whole meditation game? Then just start with relaxation. Book a session at The Alcove. The sessions include deep sounds, like Theta Brain Waves, and deep breath techniques without the need for criss-cross, planks or down dogs. All you need do is lie down.

And if all these sessions seem like too big an investment, then know there are a growing number of free and public offerings available for the taking. offers free meditation classes and music meditation concerts. Classes include breathing techniques, mantra techniques, heart meditation and visualization techniques. It very often suffices simply to inquire to receive welcoming support and suggestions.

Reiki, the Japanese spiritual healing technique, is another rapidly expanding segment of this industry in New York City.

Many would consider it the go-to method for balancing one’s chi. An age-old method for combating feelings of anxiety and all kinds of negative energy, Reiki is performed at Healing Centers that are popping up in every neighborhood. One of the many full-experience centers is Love & Light Reiki where clients can get energy healing, crystal healing, angelic guidance and past life readings and healings.

There’s even a Reiki healer so popular, she can’t guarantee a callback. 

Healing Elaine treats “those at a serious crossroads/conundrum” with sessions that last 6+ hours, pulling dead energy out and circulating fresh energy in. Those who aren’t able to get in to see her can look for her occasional pop-up sessions, workshops or fertility circles. 

For those not in need of a full-on healing session, there are Zen experiences on a smaller scale. 

Massage is one of my favorite rituals. The scalp treatment at Masa-Kanai called Head Spa is something new to me that’s quite special. It is based on Indian Ayurveda Massage, which Japan further developed to create a new original holistic wellness process. Clients get a detoxing cleanser worked into their scalp, followed by a shiatsu-style head massage and an upper body massage with Japanese onsen essential oils for relaxation and healing. 

If you want to take the Ayurveda practice home with you, then hop over to Bija Essence to discover their unadulterated therapeutic oils. You won’t regret buying some for yourself or a loved one.

The ancient art and science of applying pure oils to the body is something I personally discovered when my children were born. Massaging my infant daughter’s belly helped ease her colic, soothed her discomfort from the eczema, and for my son it was head and feet massages. Sessions which bring my children outside of themselves and into my realm for soul connection. The power and importance of touch in relationships is vastly under-valued in many cultures.

Having the pleasure of meeting the founder of Bija Essence, Evelyn Guiterrez Subramaniam, I was touched by the similarity of our stories. A former international model and broadcaster originally from Mexico, Evelyn discovered the healing properties of traditional plants, herbs and flowers and their power to heal as a child but, like me, she was awakened to the Ayervedic principals of massage only after having her own children.

Having founded a “good-vibes only” fragrance brand myself, KIERIN NYC, one that offers uniquely clean, conscious, cruelty-free, vegan, sustainably sourced and recyclable fine fragrances for all… (wow, that’s a mouthful!)… Evelyn’s mission resonates with me. She is uncompromising in the quality of the products she creates at Bija Essence. I admire her passion for sharing this knowledge because, as Evelyn says:

“My life is full, my time is short, and these oils are my trusted allies in supporting and protecting the well-being of those I love, and ensuring we stay connected in a world that often hustles us into states of separation and stress.”

Amen, to that! I love that in a city that never sleeps one can find so many peaceful warriors as she.

What do I do when I only have 30 minutes to spare, you ask? I enjoy zipping into a Himalayan salt room, such as Modern Sanctuary, from time to time. The benefits salt rooms claim to offer are natural healing and detoxing properties. I haven’t tried it yet (so let me know if you go) but a visit to Magic Jewelry in Chinatown for impromptu aura photography has been recommended to me.

And, speaking of making things accessible to all, The Reciprocity Foundation hosts a free holistic sanctuary for New Yorkers in need. They can receive free acupuncture, massage, yoga, meditation, therapy and health coaching. 

There are so many different methods to declutter a busy mind and spirit and New York City seems to have become a fertile home for all of them. Proving that, in a city that aspires to have it all, you can balance a fast pace life and hard work with mind, body and soul experiences.  

Stay tuned for my next blog on New York City’s best new woke eateries, poetry reading rooms and philosophy centers. Where do you go in New York City to get a tasty vegan pizza? Manhattan Minds wants to know! FOLLOW and JOIN the conversation on social media: @ManhattanMinds on Instagram, Pinterest , Facebook , LinkedIn and @Manhattan_Minds on Twitter.

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Author: Mona Maine de Biran

Manhattan Minds is an inspired blog on New York City Art, Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle. You are invited to share your comments on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, StumbleUpon and LinkedIn and a link to this article using the easy icons below.

© 2018-2019 Mona Maine de Biran / Manhattan Minds All Rights Reserved

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